Lion Loop. DOT273

32 km

Route details

A light mountain bike route through the impressive rock formations of Rudawy Janowickie. There are two main goals – conquering Lwia Góra (718 m above sea level) and visiting the Miedzianka Brewery. The driveway has been designed compassionately and, apart from the short section next to Jańska Góra, should not pose any difficulties. Also, getting back to Lwia Góra (also known as Starościańskie Skały) is easy. Only the last 400 m are very demanding and only the very strong will reach the wall. And all the rest, at the same time, will push their brave horses. The views from the top of the formation and the unusual shapes of the rock blocks are worth the effort. From this moment the payment begins – further attractions include: Piec, Skalny Most, Krowiarki are completed without shooting. The last effort awaits us before Miedzianka and its brewery. Remembering the permille limits, you can enjoy the views of the mountains there. And pack great beer into a special backpack (or panniers). In the evening. The return journey is along the Bóbr River, with the setting sun in front of the wheel. Just wonderful. 600 m total elevation gain. Bicycle, minimum, with 4 cm tires, we recommend making sure the brakes are functional.

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More features:
Type route:
dirt, gravel, rocky
Bike type:
MTB, trekking

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